Feverfew -Tanacetum parthenium (Local)
Tanecetum vulgare is most widely known as a prophylactic for migraine headaches. It is effective and will reduce episodes and severity, but must be taken on a routine basis to enjoy these benefits and it may take several months of daily use to get the full effect. What is less known is that it may also be used for menstrual pain, amenorrhea, headaches, nervousness, bronchitis or any catarrhal condition of the airways, arthritic, colitis or whenever digestive calming and strengthening is needed, minor fever, muscle tension, allergies, asthma, Meniere’s disease, vertigo, external use is an insect deterrent and treats such bites.
Tanecetum vulgare is most widely known as a prophylactic for migraine headaches. It is effective and will reduce episodes and severity, but must be taken on a routine basis to enjoy these benefits and it may take several months of daily use to get the full effect. What is less known is that it may also be used for menstrual pain, amenorrhea, headaches, nervousness, bronchitis or any catarrhal condition of the airways, arthritic, colitis or whenever digestive calming and strengthening is needed, minor fever, muscle tension, allergies, asthma, Meniere’s disease, vertigo, external use is an insect deterrent and treats such bites.
Tanecetum vulgare is most widely known as a prophylactic for migraine headaches. It is effective and will reduce episodes and severity, but must be taken on a routine basis to enjoy these benefits and it may take several months of daily use to get the full effect. What is less known is that it may also be used for menstrual pain, amenorrhea, headaches, nervousness, bronchitis or any catarrhal condition of the airways, arthritic, colitis or whenever digestive calming and strengthening is needed, minor fever, muscle tension, allergies, asthma, Meniere’s disease, vertigo, external use is an insect deterrent and treats such bites.